Once this was a care home. However, derelict and disused for some years, ‘Oppsalhjemmet‘ is about to be history. I managed to secure some photos before the last parts was demolished.
Moments of the streets
Once this was a care home. However, derelict and disused for some years, ‘Oppsalhjemmet‘ is about to be history. I managed to secure some photos before the last parts was demolished.
There is always a bird. Out there. Waiting. Patiently. For you. … [Read more]
Isn´t it strange how a visual impact could jog the memory? Guess what happened when I came across this blue fella´as I was out walking today? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jNt7ZGCW-o … [Read more]
Another one from my archives. A reminder of the easily forgotten fact that people behind bars, don´t always serve drinks. … [Read more]
At the moment the Corona virus is sweeping through our countries, and I´m spending some time at home with my archives. This picture was captured last year, in the beautiful town of Marsala, situated on the West Coast of Sicily. As we went for a … [Read more]