Bethnal Green is one of my favourite spots in London. With a population of something in the region of 30 000, of which approximately 40% of Bangladeshi descent, and the rest being made up mostly of Africans, White British, Somalis and Caribbeans, it’s a bustling place, packed with green grocers and curry houses, churches and mosques, nice pubs, shops, and even quite a posh restaurant (Typing Room).
Having walked form Aldgate, following Brick Lane through Spitalfields, I turned right at Bethnal Green Road. In a split second I was about to jump on a bus, and standing there undecided, I was somehow angry with myself for not doing so, as I had been out for quite a while and my legs where killing me. Having watched the bus disappearing down the road, I was heading for the Tube station, when I glimpsed this scenery behind the window of a local florist. Luckily I didn’t need to be cross at myself for letting the bus slip away anymore!
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