London is always a treat, and every time I end up at the Barbican Center, in the art gallery. The building is architectonically amazing, and especially the art gallery is in itself an exhibition of lines, shadows and strange bends. Unfortunately … [Read more]
A night in the countryside
Going from the big city last week, to a substantially smaller one. This photo was captured in Welford, a village situated between Northampton and Leicester in the English countryside. This is a rather dark shot, but Welford is actually nice and … [Read more]
To you, I present … Paris!
Well, maybe not the romantic cafés, Grands Boulevards, Eiffel Tower, a barking mad Marlon Brando (haven't we all seen Last Tango ...), and the buzzling city life, that springs to our minds every time we hear the name. But nevertheless ... This is La … [Read more]
Dark inspiration
After some lovely spring days, Oslo woke up to rain and a substantial temperature drop today. The conditions, although not exactly freezing, led my thoughts towards a photo I took last winter. It had been snowing during the night, and early one … [Read more]
Keep hold of her, mate!
A couple of weeks ago we went to Paris, one of my favourite cities. One afternoon, we were heading for the "Maison Européenne de la Photographie", i.e. "The European House of Photography" (of course!) to have a look at an exhibition. Our hotel … [Read more]